Industrial posters

This site will be updated for EOSAM 2022 on a later date.

Below you can find information about EOSAM 2021.


What is an industrial poster?

Companies have an opportunity to show their know-how to the conference attendees by sending a poster to be shown on the wall inside the conference room. This is an efficient (and inexpensive!) way to promote your company. The intention of the poster is to present the know-how of the company (rather than marketing products).


There is no presentation involved with the poster. Companies provide the poster, EOS hangs it up, and attendees can enjoy the posters all through the conference.

Industrial posters will be reviewed by the chairs of the topical meetings for contents.
The intention of the poster is to present the know-how of the company (rather than marketing products). The short abstract (max. 600 words) you submit is meant solely to describe to the program committee what your poster will contain, and it will not be published in the proceedings of the conference.

Accepted posters will be visible in the conference room for the duration of the conference. Acceptance will be made on first come, first served basis.



1) send a short summary (max. 600 words) of the poster to [email protected] with information to which Topical meeting (TOM) this should be added to *

2) After the poster is accepted, register for the poster (or poster AND participation/other sponsoring items) from your Conftool user account (if you don't have one yet, create it here)

3) Pay the poster by 30 July (100 EUR, excl. VAT 24%)

3) Prepare the poster

3) Bring the poster onsite to the registration desk or mail it

4) EOS staff will hang up the poster inside the conference room of the topical meeting


The fee for the poster is 100 EUR (excl. 24% VAT). This fee does not include presentation or admission to the conference.

After the chair has accepted the poster, the fee (100 EUR, excl. 24% VAT) will be paid by credit card via Conftool, or with an invoice, also available in Conftool.

If, in addition to sending the industrial poster, you wish to also attend the conference, simply register as a participant and gain access to all program and social events at EOSAM.

Delivery details

We ask you to provide the poster onsite, either by postal mail or delivery in person to the registration desk of EOS during the registration hours. EOS staff will put up the poster inside the conference room. Detailed delivery information to follow.



The preferred size is DIN A0.