Account registration

Become an EOS member (or create a user account for current membership)

All membership types (individual, corporate, institution):

1)  Create user account
2)  Select and pay membership*
3)  Enjoy the benefits!

*Please note: 
Selected membership will be valid until the end of the ongoing calendar year
No payment required if you are an individual member via EOS Societal members.

EOS Terms and conditions:

Choose a username, using letters and numbers only - must be more than 4 characters
Your password must contain between 8 and 48 characters (no spaces, or the symbols: &, <, >, ', \") and at least 3 of the next 4 types: lower case, upper case, special characters and numbers.
Phone number
Social networking
I do NOT want to receive the following FREE journals as part of my EOS membership (opt out)
The European Optical Society can use my contact details in non-commercial activities, such as auditing or circulations of journals. Please tick the box yes or no.

When creating a user account on the EOS website platform, you authorize the European Optical Society to store and process your personal data (Name, Address, Email address). The European Optical Society protects the personal data of the members. The data is collected, stored and processed safely, appropriately, transparently and according to the data privacy laws. For more information, please see our data protection declaration and terms and conditions: